9 a.m.

2 p.m.

14 October


Educational systems

In 2011, UIA and UNESCO have written a Charter for Architectural Education*, where they state the following idea:

“We, the architects, concerned for the future qualitative development of the built environment in a fast changing world, believe that architecture involves everything that influences the way in which the built environment is planned, designed, made, used, furnished, landscaped and maintained. We feel responsible for the improvement of the education and training of future architects to enable them to meet the expectations of XXIst century societies worldwide for sustainable human settlements in every cultural heritage.”

This feeling of responsibility is highlighted by the new european instructions concerning architectural education and the free circulation of the profession.

Within this event we have invited higher education institutions from Romania, Hungary and Serbia, intending to discover how they adapt to these new responsibilities, intentions and conditions. What are their strategies? What have they learned lately from Europe and, moreover, what can we learn from each other?

The conference series will be followed by a round table moderated by the President of the Romanian Architects’ Chamber. The discussion aims to connect the challenges and strategies of the academic environment with those of the architectural profession. In a time when all roads lead to a reconciliation between the two, we wonder if this intention can actually become reality in the near future, in this part of Europe.

9:00 - 9:15: Introduction
9:15 - 9:45: Ioan Andreescu, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Timișoara
9:45 - 10:15: Dan Comșa, University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, București
10:15 – 10:30: Vesna Cagić Milošević, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrad
10:30 – 10:45 Pauză
10:45 - 11:15: Bojan Tepavčević, Faculty of Architecture, Novi Sad
11:15 - 11:45: András Cseh,  Széchenyi István University, Győr
11:45 - 12:15: Ákos Juhász, Universitatea de Artă Moholy-Nagy, Budapesta (MOME)
12:15 - 12:30: Pauză
12:30 - 14:00: Masă rotundă moderată de Șerban Țigănaș, președintele Ordinului Arhitecților din România

* ---

Ioan Andreescu

The architectural profession, beyond its practic and legal determinations, is so versatile and polymorphous that every seeker ends up finding, more or less, what he was looking for. After a few decades of theory, pedagogy and professional practice I have reached a moderately uncertain position: the practice of this profession is a way of evolution. both individual and collective, yet on one condition: the practitioner must be aware of his limitations and the complexity of the chosen subject. Such as Heisenberg's theory, the way you investigate changes the research field; the architect's qualities as an intelectual subject and person of spiritual aspirations are mandatory, the gate to uncertainty lies wide open.

Daniel Comșa

Because of his teaching, research and administrative activities (as Vice-dean, Dean and now Head of the International Relations Department of the Ion Mincu Architecture and Urbanism University), architecture design has remained as a background activity for Daniel Comșa. Lately there are signs that things can be rearranged as priorities such as educational systems seem to be in a continuous change.

Vesna Cagić Milosević

Vesna Cagić Milosević graduated from the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture. Since 1996 he has been employed at the Department of Architecture, from 2014 as an associate professor.

She is engaged in teaching the programs of study Basic and Master academic studies in architecture, Integrated primary and master academic studies of architecture and Master academic studies architecture of the interior space.

Bojan Tepavčević

Bojan Tepavčević is an associate professor at the University of Novi Sad and the head of the master’s program “Digital Techniques, Design and Production in Architecture and Urbanism”. His research and teaching methods are primarily focused on latest developments in technology and its affects on design processes in architecture. 

András Cseh

András Cseh is an architect and architecture educator. Since graduating from BME in 2008 he has worked with CZITA Architects and he is one of the founders of CAN Architects. He is an adjunct professor at Széchenyi István University, where his Pre Architectura research and education program investigates spatial perception and learning processes.

Ákos Juhász

A Hungarian architect and educator with a passion for placemaking and a strong belief in learning through experience. Educated in Budapest, Helsinki and Bath, he has balanced practice and teaching being an associate with FCBStudios, tutor at University of Bath and lately as head of Architecture at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest.

Șerban Țigănaș

Șerban Țigănaș is an architect, educator and militant for the profession and partner of Dico și Țigănaș office. His academic activity exceeds 20 years at the Architecture and Urbanism Faculty of Cluj-Napoca. He has an important role for the architectural profession, being president of the Romanian Order of Architects and member of the boards of Architects Council of Europe and Union Internationale des Architectes.
