
4 p.m.


08 October

Tur de arhitectură

TA: The public squares and the city map. Heritage on hold

O.A.R. Timiș aims, through a pilot cultural project that is a part of the Education section of the Timișoara Architecture Biennale (BETA), creating a set of guided tours of architecture for the wide public in order to stimulate the interest, reflection and involvement of the citizens for the conscious and assumed shaping of the local urban landscape. The project adresses to the civil society and local government of Timișoara, to all the city residents and also to the tourists.

The 2016 Edition of the project is developed during October and November and includes ten tours (two times for each of the five sugested routes). Eight tours are for adults and two for children between 9 and 11 years old. 


T1 _ The public squares and the city map - Heritage on hold

The route through Unirii Square, Sfântul Gheorghe Square, Libertății Square and Victoriei Square will bring to the surface the history of the oldest quarter of the city and its immediate neighborhood. We'll talk about the emergence and evolution of these squares over time, about their current appearance, about some of the most significant buildings that populate them and about the personalities who played an important role in shaping the image they present us today.

 As public squares represent some of the most important components of a city - a field of interaction in which spatial, socio-political and cultural relations get to manifest and develop themselves - we discuss the definition of public space, about those who use it and shapes it; we discuss terms such as cultural and architectural heritage, private space, built environment, participatory processes, management of public space, collective memory and others.

 All this will help us understand that it is essential to project an image of the city by juxtaposing its main component dimensions: human and urban, because they shape each other.


To participate to the free tour please register on the website, there are 25 places available per tour.

For more details, please consult the tour website:

Sergiu Sabău

Sergiu Sabau studied architecture at the Politehnica University of Timișoara. He regards as important to devote some of his time to community oriented initiatives. During his student and post graduate years he participated in workshops, studies and projects involving a participatory process of dialogue, and, in 2014, he was part of the team that organised the 2014 Timișoara Architecture Annual.
