4 p.m.

6 p.m.

Salon Vega, Bastionul Maria Theresia

27 October


Symposium Yes, but there is a problem

​The protection of the urban commons is a core question of our cities’ resilience. In recent years, new models have tried to step beyond the public / private duality in the management of urban goods. ​C​ities are increasingly open to these new practices​ in the CEE region as well​​:  new kinds of regulations, political institutions and programs are reframing the ​creation, management and maintenance​ of ​urban resources.​

The Yes, but there is a problem symposium introduces new urban strategies in the perspective of very different actors of city making, from independent expert groups and professional institutions to the public administration.


16:00 - 16:15

lecture Tamás Szerdahelyi | Budapest Dialog

Budapest, Ungaria

16:15 – 16:30

lecture Renata Haráková | Rapid Rehousing

Brno, Cehia

16:30 – 16:45

lecture Nienke Voorintholt | New Synagogue

Zilina, Slovacia

16:45 – 17:00

lecture Karol Piekarski | Medialab

Katowice, Polonia

17:00 - 18:00

panel discussion led by Dan Bugariu | Smart City Association

Timişoara, Romania

Tamás Szerdahelyi

Tamás is a civil engineer working for 8 years in the realization of construction projects of municipalities at Swietelsky Ltd. From 2014, he is Co-Founder of BudapestDialog.hu and CEO of Urban Dialog Ltd. and from 2016, a PhD candidate at Széchenyi István University Doctoral School of Regional Studies and Business Administration.

Renata Haráková

She has a Master's degree in Study of Religion, almost two years experience in project assistance in the IQ Roma Servis NGO and another two years of social field work in socially excluded localities. She is currently working at the Brno municipality as Roma advisor and Coordinator of the Rapid Rehousing project.

Nienke Voorintholt

In my work as a designer I focused on sharing a story or experience by making a product. Working at Truc sphérique made me realize how a building or an event can been seen as a product.

What if we will see the city as a product? One we can shape together with the municipality and the citizens.

Karol Piekarski

Karol Piekarski is a programme director at Medialab Katowice. He has carried out a number of interdisciplinary projects involving city data processing and visualisation. He has earned a PhD for his work on reducing information overload on the Web. Recently he published "Data-Driven Methods for City Research and Exploration". 

Dan Bugariu

Dan is president of the Smart City association in Timişoara. The association has helped Timişoara to become the first city in Romania to publish open data on the national open data portal. Current projects focus on education, transport, tourism, culture and local guvernment.
