9:30 a.m.

11 a.m.


08 October

Tur de arhitectură

TA: Urban detectives. Tour for children

O.A.R. Timiș aims, through a pilot cultural project that is a part of the Education section of the Timișoara Architecture Biennale (BETA), creating a set of guided tours of architecture for the wide public in order to stimulate the interest, reflection and involvement of the citizens for the conscious and assumed shaping of the local urban landscape. The project adresses to the civil society and local government of Timișoara, to all the city residents and also to the tourists.

The 2016 Edition of the project is developed during October and November and includes ten tours (two times for each of the five sugested routes). Eight tours are for adults and two for children between 9 and 11 years old. 


T5 _ Urban detectives - Tour for children

The children's expedition is organized in partnership with “De-a Arhitectura” Association as a development of the activities that take place during the "De-a arhitectura în oraşul meu" class.

De-a arhitectura, as the vice president of OAR Bucharest, Mr. Mario Kuibuș says, creates opportunities to increase the urban cultural baggage and makes possible the opening of a new, but much needed, correct and active attitude concerning  declared and undeclared identity values that surrounds us. The purpose of the "De-a arhitectura în oraşul meu" class is "to help children understand the architecture and the built environment, and default processes that transform their environment, because a  paradigm shift in architectural and urban culture of the Romanian society can only take place starting with the children's education. The quality of architecture and the built environment of tomorrow depend on them."

The Urban detectives tour addresses children aged 9 to 11 and takes them through the four squares located in the center of the historic city: Victoriei Square, Libertății Square, Sfântul Gheorghe Square and Unirii Square.

The proposed route will bring to the surface the history of the oldest quarter of the city and its immediate neighborhood. We'll talk about the emergence and evolution of these squares over time, about their current appearance, about some of the most significant buildings that populate them and about the personalities who played an important role in shaping the image they present us today. Children will discover and collect old pictures of the city and will develop their sense of observation and orientation with the help of a map and the city landmarks.


To participate to the free tour please register on the website, there are 25 places available per tour.

For more details, please consult the tour website:

Roxana Pătrulescu

Roxana Pătrulescu studied architecture at the Architecture and Urbanism Faculty of Timișoara. She is a member of the Territorial Council of the Timiş Branch of the Romanian Order of Architects and a volunteer of the De-a arhitectura organization, teaching architecture to 9 - 11 year olds. She is involved in coordinating and developing cultural projects that promote Romanian architecture.
